Monday 8 September 2014

Week 2....Could have been better!!

So, week 2, any better?!  Actually training wise, yes!  I decided to start on Tuesday again so my double day fell on a weekend.  So Monday was a really good day, even without training I ate really well and stayed within my 1200Kcal, however this was only one of 2 days that I stayed within that bracket.  I've been so hungry this week, I don't know whether it's because I'm not drinking any alcohol I've just constantly wanted to stuff my face!

Speaking of which, I have chosen to not drink for the month of September and that is one thing I actually stuck to this week even though I was given 2 opportunities to have a beverage, I didn't I stuck to diet coke or water and I was really proud of myself.

Day 1 Training
Focus T25 - 25 minutes of intense Cardio.
Felt really motivated and worked really hard and felt like it was becoming easier:

Day 2 Training
Focus T25 - 25 minutes of Total Body Circuits
This session is so tough, I ended up like this VERY quickly! But I did finish the whole thing even if I did some of the lower impact moves.

Couldn't even get back up from the floor!

Day 3 TrainingFocus T25 - 25 minutes of Speed 1.0
My favourite workout, I tried really hard and really enjoyed it this time round.

Day 4 Training
This is where it went a bit wrong, I got home from work got changed ready to do T25, Cardio.  I did 5 minutes and I just wasn't feeling it, I couldn't focus and wasn't really paying attention, so I just gave up with the intention of doing Friday's on Sat and Sat's Double on Sunday.

Day 5 Training
Focus T25 - 25 minutes of Intense Cardio
I really struggled to find the motivation to do this, I did manage it though but I feel like I need to move the training back to start on Monday so I don't have to do this at the weekend.

I delivered by catalogues so did a good 30 minutes fast paced walk as well.

Day 6 Training
Should have done a double today but I had such a busy day, I just couldn't fit it in.  I felt guilty but I just couldn't face it.

Need to try harder next week to ensure I get all the workouts in.  Will try and start from Monday so I don't have to do anything other than stretch on Sunday's.  Lets see how it goes.

Food was hit and miss this week, I had two really good days where I stayed under my calorie target but the other days messed up my average significantly.  One of the days (Saturday) I was craving a McDonalds so I thought if I just have it I can put the need for junk food out of my mind and eat healthy for the rest of the weekend.  Unfortunately, my brain doesn't work that way and decided that meant I could eat what I want all weekend :-/  I did have some really good salads though, skipping the chicken/salmon for Feta and Avocado - yum!!

I also found a great way to curb my sweet tooth after eating lunch...
...and only 6Kcal per pot - yummy!!!

Bread had been my demon this week, I have had a loaf of Hovis Seed Sensation at home that I have been working through and I had Fajitas at my Aunts with flour tortillas.  I need to reduce that back, maybe go back to shakes or slim fast for breakfast.

Average Daily Calories - 1499Kcal (299 over BUT 438Kcal lower than last weeks avg)
Average Daily Exercise - 22 minutes/168Kcal per day (+8mins/ +43Kcal)

Naughty meals - 6 (-1)
Alcoholic Beverages - 0

Weight: 11st 10lb (-)
Bust: 92cm (-4cm)
Waist: 81cm (-1cm)
Hips: 101cm (-)
Stomach: 99cm (-)
Thigh: 61cm (-3cm)
Arm: 31cm (-1cm)

Overall: 0lb and -9cm

Difference between Week 1 & 2 (Front)
Difference between Week 1 & 2 (Side)
I actually look bigger in my Week 2 photos than I do in my Week 1 - need to step up!!!

Monday 1 September 2014

Week 1 - Disaster...

So week 1 didn't start out so well!  Amy got off her ass and started training and eating well yesterday (even with her junk food hangover, check out her Day 1 Vlog here ), whereas, I woke up to find half a packet of chocolate digestives by my bed and a bottle of full fat coke, which I proceeded to polish off without even thinking.  This kind of ruined my motivation for the day and I decided to start on Tuesday instead (it was Bank Holiday after all) <---- See how I always find an excuse!!

So, Tuesday morning I woke up (unfortunately at 6am when I don't have work!) on my flight recovery day (I do a lot of international travel for work) which I actually call my 'Productive day'.  These are the days when I get loads of stuff done, starting with Stats and photos and measurements which you can find on my Introduction post here: 

Day 1 Training
Nothing :(

Day 2 Training
Focus T25 - 25 minutes of intense Cardio
Was very determined to start with and it just got harder and harder until I eventually collapsed!
Determination slowly gave way to exhaustion!

Day 3 Training
Focus T25 - 25 minutes of Speed 1.0 training
Again started with great determination, I wish you could see the sweat on my face on the second photo, it was unbelievable!!

I might be smiling but note the fear in my eyes!

Day 4 Training
Focus T25 - 25 minutes of Total Body Circuits
I didn't start with such determination this time but I sweated up a storm!!

This one was a killer!

Day 5 Training
Focus T25 - 25 minutes of Abs intervals (tough on my core, which is non-existent!)

This is where is all went wrong....

Day 6 Training
Nothing (the pub was calling me!) Had every intention of doing my double T25 session on Saturday morning but the hangover had other ideas!  However, I ate well instead (although shouldn't have ended the Saturday in the pub aswell!!

Day 7 Training
Second day hangover, so no training - very disappointed in myself because I could have done so much better!!

Genuinely thinking I may have to cut out booze for a few week if I want to get my fitness levels up, but I really like drinking!

Luckily, I think I ate something dodgy this week (must be my cooking!) and I had an iffy tummy, meaning that I still lost weight even though as you can see below I was pretty naughty!!

The beginning of the week went really well with lots of healthy salads, I have a new found love for Acocado which I have been adding to salads (I have found if I have that and Feta, I can avoid having the high calories of chicken and salmon and it still fills me up!) but the alcohol over the weekend drove me to junk food, in particular, McDonalds!!  It's always more disappointing when you have had a good work week and then the weekend lets it down.  Oh well, onwards and upwards (or downwards if we're looking at stats!)

Average Daily Calories - 1937 Kcal (737Kcal over)
Average Daily Exercise - 14 minutes/125Kcal per day

Naughty meals - 7 (1 by mistake, misjudged the Kcal in a salad at the pub!)
Alcoholic Beverages - 12

Weight: 11st 10lb (-2lb)
Bust: 96cm (+1cm)
Waist: 82cm (-1cm)
Hips: 101cm (-1cm)
Stomach: 99cm (-3cm)
Thigh: 64cm (+1cm)
Arm: 32cm (-)

Overall: -2lb and -3cm

One weeks difference - Front
One weeks difference - Side

Tuesday 26 August 2014

An introduction to me....

Yet another new blog for me, but this one is public and painfully honest!!  So here it is the truth, 7 months ago, I rushed to lose 2 stone so I would look slim on my holiday photos and at my graduation party and it worked.  I did lose 2 stone but i lost it so quickly that putting it back on was too easy.  I weighed myself this morning and I have put a full stone of that weight back on in 6 weeks...6 WEEKS!!!  However, those were 6 weeks of burgers, chips, crisps, chocolate, jerky and full fat coke so it's not surprising really!

Prior to the holiday and my graduation, I did various different diets in order to get to my ideal weight, this included but was not limited to:

Clean 9 Detox
Low Carb, High Protein
Juice Fasting
Clean Eating

I did find that by changing up my diet regularly I lost more weight each week, I think by shocking my system every week.  However, this system meant that keeping the weight off was nearly impossible, as soon as I went on holiday and ate what I want I started to blow up like a balloon!!

So to give you an insight into my acheviements (and eventual failure!) so far...

Before (January 2014)

After (July 2014)

You might be able to tell better from joined photos:

So I was pretty pleased with myself.  However, between July 2014 and now (August 2014) this is where I am at:

Weight: 11st 12lb
Bust: 95cm
Waist: 83cm
Hips: 102cm
R Thigh: 63cm
R Arm: 32cm

So this is my blog to follow my journey to getting back to the weight I was and beyond!  I will be posting my exercise routines as well as the foods I eating and junk food failures (there will be a few of these!).

To start this programme I am doing the Focus T25 (from the makers of Insanity) with my cousin Amy, she is doing it from her home in Devon, while I am doing it here in Birmingham but the powers of technology we are very much in contact through the programme (mostly whatsapp!).

Anyone, else starting a new programme now the summer is almost finished?